
Friday, April 30, 2010

Fierce & Fun Fashion Friday: Do We Not Love This?

Thank goodness for a Keren and Georgina for establishing a brand like Marchesa!
These ladies mean business!
When I saw this my first reaction was, "Woooooooowwww!"
I don't know if your eyes see what I'm seeing, but this is definitely a garment that qualifies for a "Fierce and Fun" post! Ow!
From the Spring 2010 Collection, it looks like a huge flower with brilliant definition- breath taking!
It's a dress that was incredibly placed together with each piece playing it's own role. The colors are quite the elegant blend that establishes the true beauty of a woman... and it look goods, honey!
I took a look at the Marchesa website and I was overwhelmed with many of the garments- stunning! I would wear every single one of those pieces and feel like a million bucks... Bravo Ladies! Bravo!

Get it! Ow!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh, dear! There's a Pet Peeve on your Window!

This post is dadicated to my dear friend, Swan who also shares the "Mispelled Words Pet-Peave."
What I don't udnerstand is-
Why people keep posting sines at local businesses without aksing sumone, "hay, did I spell this werd ryte?" Butt, nothing in this entire worrrrrrrld erks me more then someone misspelling the word "Inconvenience!"
Why musk everyone misspell this worde?!
People, explain yurselfs!
Dude, sound that joint out, mmmkay?!
Let's do it together...


You sea?!
Was that hard?!
Now write it!
Have you any idear how bad this looks?
Have you?!
Have you iny idear?!
And P.S. it's flipping annoyeng!
Handle it!

Let's play a game called, How Many Errors are in this Post?


Now, it's time to call them out...

Oh, dear goodness...

I don't even know what this person was thinking when they started to spell this word! Sound it out! Use yourrr vowels, honey!

Poor Walgreen's... What's funny about this is that it looks like there could've been a possibility that they misspelled the word wrong previously, cut that line off and then attached another line, with what?! A misspelled inconvenience! Arrrrrrgh!
What can you proscribe for the headache you just gave me reading this?!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds... Sippin' Cognac

So, as many of you may know (or not), my bf engaged me on Thursday! Ow!
I cannot explain to you the excitement that is flowing through my veins! It was truly an experience I will never forget! He's a great guy- one like I've never met. :0) Awh!
I am not going to sit here and share the private details, but I will, however let you see what she looks like.
She is definitely one of a kind... I named her, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. She's a Cognac colored diamond. Boy, is she unique... She is definitely me! :0)
I have a beautiful life ahead of me! (smiley face)


Pardon me, people!
I know it's been a lil bit since I've posted something, but let me explain!
I have been quite occupied with the great things in life- not to say that you're not important!
Many amazing things have been coming my way and it has been quite a handful!
I am working on somethings to post for you and will be right back on it with a load for you to catch up on by this Thursday!
I hope you can hold on till then!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well, hellooo, Mr. Presidents!

I saw this on
Personally, I thought it was quite simple of the person who decided that it was necessary to alter the faces of our currency and Founding Fathers... It could have a baboon hugging a tree on a sweet Sunday afternoon, for all we care! It's cash money! There's nothing more required to appeal to us! Derrr!
My first response to seeing this? "Wow! Are you kidding me, right now? Are you really serious, right now?"

This says quite a bit about society, doesn't it?
Not only does it say you need to be skinny to be healthy, being beautiful will get you places further than your intellect will (but don't you forget your degree because we will deduct points from your final worth), but it subliminally presents ideas of what they believe "beauty" really is, in some of the most sneaky places! We see it everyday (or most days, anyways). We touch it! Flip it! Rub it down... Oh, nooooooo! Who would've thought to see such nonsense, here? Surely not me, but it doesn't surprise me one tid bit!
Don't play games with my money, honey!
I won't lie though, they are more attractive having had their paper surgery, but I am also not implicating in any form that there was something wrong with them before!
I feel it's petty and irritating!
Please tell me what you think of this...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!!! Ow!

So, as many of you may know, today was, in fact the birthday!
Sexytwenty7 (written and pronounced, just like dat!) Ow! Ow! Ow! Owwwwwrrrrrrrrow!
I was supposed to work today, but a kind friend, Nadia- who shares 4/20 as a birthdate, suggested I take off. And it was done!
It started off with my Mass Media Final... I'm kind of a genius. :0) What! What!
Afterwards, I went to pick up my niece, Leiara and we did go shopping! Ow!
Boyyy, lemme tell you how TIRED a sista like me is right now!
I decided to hang out with my niece all day long and to tell you the truth, I could've completed a triathlon and still had energy! I though I was a hand full! Whaaaaat! I ain't got nothing ( I know it's a double negative, but let's not get all bougie about it! I'm fittin' to tell you something!) on her! No-thiiiiiing! Lol!

"Mmmkay, well, what had happened was..." #1:
So, I have no shame, right about now.
I'm calling myself out!
Before we hit the Florida Mall, I was taking her out of her car seat and decided, hmmm... I shall change the diaper! Dunnn, nah, nahhhhh!
I put a jacket down to protect the leather seats and I went in. She had a flippin' Pull-Ups diaper on! Ok?! I wasn't trainnnnnnnned on how to remove this contraption! Arrrrright?! Why don't they put frickin' arrows to show you that the sides detach?! Huh?! I'm going to write a letter of complaint! Yo, I messed up my jacket, her shirt, and I waisted about 20 wet wipes! I was sweating profusely! Profusely, I tell you! PROFUSELY! And you KNOW I hate sweating! It took me near 10 minutes to change her diaper and get her presentable before I could even get her into the stroller! What the heck?! Oh, dear goodness (placing the back of my hand to my forehead)! Are you judging me?! Don't judge me!
Moving on...
I found it to be fun that everyone kept saying, "Ya'll have such big hair!" Lol! Well, thank you! I try and it comes naturally to her! :0)
I picked up a Sexy Mama dress that I will sashay in, right down the sidewalk and straight into Texas De Brazil with a group of old friends and new pals, on Thursday. Oh! Did I mention that my little-big bro bought it for me? Awwwh! I know! That was sweet of him, right? That's my brother! Ow! Hi5!

"Mmmkay, well, what had happened was..." #2:
So, after we finished eating at the food court I decided again... the diaper! We headed to the family restroom. This time I knew to rip the sides off instead of trying to pull it off like a regular underwear. Throw it in the bag! Or garbage, rather! Ow!
I decided I wasn't going to place her directly on that table thinkymabobber for the kids. I went and grabbed a butt-load of those tissue cover thingymajobbers that go on the toilet when you have to do a no. 2 and laid them all out on the table thingymabobber, so her skin wouldn't touch it.
And thennn... oh, sweet goodness...
She started crying so loud and hard!
I was shocked!
I turned to her and started asking what I did wrong!
She cried to me, "Auntie! I don't want to go to the doctor! Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
Poor girl. I messed her up for life!

Lord knows I gave it my all today... I truly really did. I'm not perfect. Just human.
I took a picture of us at the food court and oooooooh, WEEEE! That picture will never surface! OK?! We both look like we been through it. But truth be told, it was an experience to remember. I spent the entire day with my niece and that was a beautiful gift all it's own.
I'm blessed to have seen the light this morning.
I'm blessed to be loved and even more to have the ability and understanding to love someone else.
I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for the North Star.

Life is beautiful. Thank God. <3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why Do Your Feet Smell Like Dat?!

Heaven forbid someone rolling through with these shoes on their feet!
Oh, dear goodness!
I couldn't imagine the level of rancid smell that would overcome us!
I am actually going to go wash my feet right now just because I feel like the picture of this footwear could, in fact, stink!!
Who in the eff would create such a hideous shoe?!
Someone please go find out and call them out!

I just got a headache!

Oh, my goodness...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Turn the Lights Out and Listen Tuesday"- The Delfonics- Hey Love

People taaaaalk... about youuuuuuu!

They didn't lie when they said nothing is new! I have always been a fan of the classics, thanks to my dear daddy-o! I appreciate good music that makes you feels good. It presents substance, unlike a lot of music today. Since music isn't what it used to be and some people just don't know what a true classic is... allow me to school you! This is just one of the many classics I will be posting during the course of our brand new relationship.
Now, let me state for the record, I am a singer. I am good at it, too! However, I feel that if I do put out more music, it
has to be a classic or else I'm just another chick on the radio or iPod making sounds with my mouth. Honestly, I am not in the right state of mind to complete such a task. There's something about being "caught in a moment" and being "timeless" that challenges me. Mentally, I'm an investor. Let me present you a product that will last a lifetime. Sometimes, it happens over night. Sometimes it takes years. That's real talk.
It used to be that the talent is what entertained. These gentlemen have not lost their place in time...
I give you, the brilliant stylings of The Delfonics!
Do enjoy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

What Ya'll Know About a... Superrr Model?!

Get it girls! Owww!
I don't care what anybody has to say about a plus sized woman modeling! All I know is that these gals here, are killing it! Just because you're not a double zero doesn't mean you don't look good! It's society that puts these silly ideas into our heads that we need to be skinny to look good! Ironically, they say it's ok to keep building a Mickey D's every half a mile! Pah-leeeeeeeees! Let me tell you, honey... Ain't nothing sexy about seeing your veins mashing into your bones because they have no other place to go!
Now, I'm not saying be obese! No, sir-reee, Bob! That's not healthy! Mmmkay? You can be healthy and thick at the same time.
Be who you are and love it! If you don't, nobody else will! And I KNOW that's right, honey!
If you're thick... get it and look good in it! Work it! Cover girl! Do... ya... thang!
Nobody likes Bobby the Slob!

For the readers out there that have it in your heads... Quit it! I'm on it and I call the outfit on the right! Whaaaaaat?! Big hair and theme music please!
Three snaps in a mutha flippin' circle! Let's gooo!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Heeeeeere's Johnny! Cupcakes, that is!

So, like I mentioned in my very second blog, I met Johnny Cupcakes in the Orlando International Airport...
Feel free to take a gander and catch up to speed! :0)

Currently, J-Cup is having his Back to Basics Suitcase Tour, flying around the US selling his shirts just like he used to- straight out of Compton! Excuse me... I meant straight out of his suitcases! Last night, he was in Orlando, FL at the Bold Hype Art Gallery.
Man, oh man! By the time Pierre and I arrived it was about nine something and the line was wrapped around and 'round. I, of course, was trying act like heels don't hurt when you stand in them for four hours straight and went in like a fashion soldier!
I must say that I've never waited on line for anything- to include a Playstation or Jordan's. This was truly a unique experience. I could only imagine how he (J-Cup) feels knowing people would actually stand outside this long to say, "chelloooo!" take a picture and buy a t-shirt. Whooo-weee! But, we did!
I'm sure it was quite inspiring for Pierre because he is currently pursuing fashion design- his brand is coming along quite lovely. >>>Keep an eye out, I'll be posting about his line soon-LMG. I'm glad I was there with him. He's a fun guy! :0)

OMG! Shut up!
Mmmkay, lemme tell you...
We're standing there and this dude pulls up in his scooter and behold! It has a spare tire! I thought it was just the most darling thing! I was literally so tickled, I had to take a photo!
It's cute right? Don't you just want to pinch it?! Ha!

Back to what I was saying...
So, we finally get to the front of the line and there he is... Johnny Cupcakes! Yay!
He didn't recognize me at first because I had on my "cool-gal glasses."
I said, "Remember me from the airport? I said I was going to bring him!"
He said, "Oh, yesss! Thanks for helping me!" <<--- This statement has been revised for certain reasons. ;0) I got you Johnny!
It's quite funny because he remembered exactly what I said to him at the airport! Hi5, Johnny!
Recap: I said, "Are you him?" I'm such a dork!
He then goes to one of his fashion designers and told him, "This is the girl I was talking about!" and introduced us! Awwwh!
And then you know what he did next?
He gave me the biggest hug! :0) Awwwh!

Pierre was excited to converse. Johnny was interested.

We took pictures and this time I can show you!
He made a funny face again!
I'm such a diva, that the first pic turned into a do-over! Ha!

He's still a nice guy... with a great memory!

P.S. Check out his story... It's incredible!

I enjoyed myself! Ow!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Official UNofficial Aries Yearly Horoscope

Ok, Aries folks... this is your official unofficial horoscope!
OMG! This is going to be so fun...

Dear Aries,
You are giving the world a headache! For the rest of this year, you need to quit ramming (you like that, huh? How clever of me! Ramming... ) us in our hips with your "shoulda, woulda, coulda's" and get to getting! Time waits for no one and you've been procrastinating way too long, mmmkay? So, go get dressed. Comb your hair because it looks like you got dreads and you don't. And brush your teeth for heaven's sake! We're seeing some pepper in your teeth and lemme tell you that ain't (Don't even start... I know my english!) even cute! Man up, sissy! Oh, yeah! Do something spontaneous right after you read this! And uhhh... remember that thing you were thinking of doing yesterday? Well, don't do it becauuuuuse... uh, just don't, ok?!

If you're single... still...
Well, this ain't a singles column. I can't help you homie! Errr!
If your in a relationship... I told you S Factor works! Get it! Ow!
Annnnd, errrr-uh... yeeeeah...
Welp, that's it!

Disclaimer: Because some people may very well take this to heart (you silly goose!), I am not a psychic. Duh! This is strictly for entertainment purposes only! :0)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Turn the Lights Out and Listen Tuesday"- Sylvester James- You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)

Youuu maaake me feel! Migh-ty reeeal!
I never knew this was a man singing this song!
He sings plenty better than many women today out there on Auto-Tune! Girl, that ain't (I know
ain't aint a word... we already discussed this!) singing!
In any case, he kills this song! I mean I want to call up one of my homegirls and hit up
Straight up!
He was really big in the 70's for his incredible voice and disco music. Unfortunately, he did pass away for reasons irrelevant to this posting.
This record right here really makes me wanna dance like a fool wearing a garment filled with glitter and big poofy hair!
Do turn your lights out, but don't forget your disco ball light! Ow!
Fierce! Three snaps in a mutha flippin' circle!
Get it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Playaaah Hater... Turn Ya Head 'Round

It has come to the light that some people will never accept an "individual" (we will define this word as someone unique or different) for what they are if they are not moving in the same direction as a crowd. We need to someday come to an understanding that some of us are banal, some are invisible (we're all adults here, so let's keep it real), some are flamboyant, eccentric, fancy... I could go on and on... Either way we are who we are and it's not up to any of us to place judgment on someone else because they're different. Well, Chuck Wilson said it better (shouts to PRHS!!! What! What!), "It's not that they're different or weird, you just don't understand them." That's deep. Go, Chuck! :0)
Then again, you could just be jealous or envious and of course, that's a sin to desire what others have. But, let's not get religious up in here- we'll just comfortably call it a "very bad thing." There!
Who ever you are, whatever your craft... Make the best choice you can- be originally you. Do the dag on thang, ok? Quit playin' games!
I mean work it! Swing it! Strut it! Watch it, wait... Touch it! Bring it! Pay it! Watch it! Turn it! Leave it! Stop! Format it! Heyyyy! Go! Go! Go!
P.S. I really love music! You have no ideaaa!
Who really cares, you ask? A hater!

Besides, if you know anything about a knock-off, they always lose it's stitching! Honey, you can never cheat the real thing!
Get it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apple Knicker Jeeeans, Boots with the Furrr!

So, is it really the fashion trend for Spring/Summer 2010 to wear your knickers on the outside?
According to Marc Jacobs, that's the idea.
Really, though?
Let's think this over...
So, are you saying I should put my pants on then my underoos?
Really, MJ?
Don't get me wrong you're not the Marc Jacobs for nothing! But, c'mon!
C'Monnnnn, son!

Mmmkay, so you say put them on and wear them just like Patty did from the movie, Date With an Angel?

I might as well go commando since they're on, but not where they're supposed to be! Jeeez!

Personally, I think we are taking this way too far to be creative. I understand the concept of wearing a sheer garment, but now you're just being silly!

You know what? I'm going to get a group of friends together and hit the Millenia Mall... wearing our Vickies over our Dickies... Let's see what happens! But I'll tell you right now, it's rude to point! Ha!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dancing With A Star: My Niece Leiara

So, this is one of my three lovely nieces! I must say, children have a natural way of keeping you young at heart! The other night she wanted to dance and I was lucky enough to witness the hilarity! She's the best- it makes me feel so wonderful inside to know she loves hangin' out with her Auntie!
Love you, Poop Loop! <3
Get it!